Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nothing much for me to comment about...

Yay! Finally my characters have some action instead of lying unconscious! Well, I had to spell check the whole text so that my passage would make sense. Spelling mistakes are the worst. I'm glad that English teachers would not be able to check this page out or it will be full of red circles/crosses. Grammar mistakes, wrong usage of vocabulary......

I'm feeling a lot better than yesterday. And my brain juices seem to be working. Wonderful! Oh yeah, for my stories, I tend to try to keep to the original idea as much as possible, so Riku will be using a sword in the story. And a lot of other stuff. (Boo hoo. The idea of guns was nice.) The roleplay should be quite different from my story though. Since everyone has cool weapons, cool costumes, etc. In my story, they would probably be wearing a plain T-shirt since I don't have any idea what they would wear. >-<

What should I say? Doing this is fun. I sort of accidentally-on-purpose developed both stories. The KH story I thought of a cutscene that would be fun for me to type. The children of the ruins story I finally thought of the guy's past. ^-^ Seriously, my creactive cells seem to be in good condition today! Maybe I should continue with more chapters... and then maybe not. Oh well. Have fun!!

1 comment:

  1. wow....i wish my brain was working...(looks like Cloud infected me with his chocobo-filled brain... Cloud:"IT'S NOT FILLED WITH CHOCOBOS!!!" me: right....XD) great work on childrens of the ruin(very tragic XD!) i you can use the riku-using-a-cool-elemental-gun idea in our role-plya(YAYS!) but for now...uhhhh......................o.o*blank*
