Monday, October 27, 2008

Author's notes (all)

Heck, why is it that at this point all my characters are like knocked out (K.O) or something?? Unconscious. >-< Really, really what the heck. Am I a sadist or something? o-0 Oh, children of the ruins start off sad, but gets a little better. I got the boy's name but the girl's name... I'm still thinking. Something cool would be nice. And I can't decide to do which story next. The KH story or the children of the ruins or spam all the start of my ideas first. (Not a good idea, cause you will notice the similar trend of the bad 'better' backgrounds all have bad starting. 'Children of the ruins' is probably the worst start though.. I must have been pretty emo when I thought of it. Actually I wanted a society ruled by children, cause it's cool. ) I think I shall rest for the day. Or maybe start another chapter.

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