I don't really like the fact that it has no name. Oh well. Since everyone is working hard, I shall try to put some more effort in this work. Let's see.... I don't really have a super edge-cutting image of what's gonna happen next, but hopefully good enough for you two to understand and enjoy. Here it goes...ha! Being lame---> In the previous episode, Roxas was attacked by two men (Not that sort of attack! XD ) and after his escape, he fell asleep in a forest. What will happen to our hero now? Will he ever find Sora?
Chapter 3The sunlight shone through the gaps of the forest, illuminating part of Roxas's face. His peaceful sleeping face was disturbed when the shrieks of the birds woke him up. He half opened his eyes, expecting to see the familiar surroundings of his home, but instead saw a huge shady forest, with trees stretching around the area in all directions.
For a moment, he was stunned.
"Where am I?" he thought drowsily, as he rubbed his eyes slowly, trying to adjust to the bright sunlight streaming through the gaps in the forest canopy.
Then he remembered.
He also realised that he still had a splintering headache, coupled with dizziness. He felt really hot, as though he was on fire. He was about to return to the sea to splash some water on his burning body when he heard noises. Footsteps, with a lot of shouting.
He panicked a little and hid stealthily among the trees and grass. What he saw really left him speechless. A whole group of men was walking through the forest, apparently looking for a missing somebody. But who were they looking for?
He decided that the people were too close for his comfort, so he begun moving away slowly and stealthily, hoping that these people will not find him here. After all, he might have been trespassing on their land. And only grim futures lay ahead of those caught trespassing on forbidden lands.
Unfortunately for him, he happened to step onto a branch that broke, alerting the men and causing them to turn their heads towards the source of the noise.
"Damn," he thought to himself, as the men begun to inch their way through the vegetation to his hiding spot. It was now or never. He made a running dash away from them and felt a small sense of satisfaction as the men shouted in shock over what had happened.
And soon, the chase was on between Roxas and the group of men. As he turned back to look, he saw that his opponents were gaining on him, whereas he was breathing heavily. His body felt like it weighted a tonne, hindering his progress as he gasped for air.
"Why have I been getting chased since I got here?" Roxas observed. However, he had no time to dwell on that since he was more worried about the way his body was behaving. He felt weak, with his legs like jelly, causing him great difficulty to stand, and even more to run.
"I'm not in tip top condition today..." he thought as he ran into the city district, where it was a never ending maze of corridors and passages. He ran into one of them, reaching a dead end at the end of the road. He was, however not taunted by this and instead jumped onto the trash bin, climbing over the wall and making a perfect land.
However, this action drained him of whatever little strength that he had, and judging from the people's 'energetic' screams, he knew that this chase could last no longer. He rested and panted heavily for a few moments, drawing his weapon when he saw that the men were scaling over the wall.
His weapon was a unique one indeed. At the weapon shop, Roxas had looked around and was fascinated with a chain like weapon with a blade at the end. However, looking at the price made him change his mind immediately. He had watched in growing alarm as he viewed each of the weapon's prices, and instead taken interest in the storekeeper's to be thrown items. He had settled on a metal ring, and a broken handle from that pile, which the shopkeeper gladly gave to him. He then bought the metal wire required for his purpose. By combining all the items, he had a long manipulative string of razor-sharp wire with a strong, metallic ring dangling at the end of it. Hence, his weapon was able to attack multiple enemies, with the right control and timing.
His hands shook uncontrollably as he gripped the handle tight, prepared to attack any one that came towards him. He twisted the wire with a swing of his arm, allowing the metal wire to cut the men, drawing blood as he drew back his weapon. A few others lunged straight at him, only to be attacked straight in the chest as the metal ring smashed against them.
His fight did not last long though. He was drained of all energy, barely able to stand. The world starting spinning around, the colours blending into a mesh as his view distorted. He saw a figure, (one of those men?) about to cut him with a knife, when another person grabbed the figure's wrist, causing him to drop the knife.
Who was the fellow who had interrupted his fight? Who was the person who saved him? He only saw a flash of red as he fell to the floor, collapsing into a heap......
Seriously, what the hell is wrong this week? Did I offend someone? A god? A god of what? A rubbish dump?... First, when I was walking and minding my own business when suddenly these two kids fell from the sky. What the hell? Kids don't fall from the sky!! They were like unconscious and drenched in the rain, if I left them there I would feel guilty. I'm not a softie, it's just that they resemble some cute little abandoned kitty, okay?
Anyways, one of them was short, cute, with brown hair that was flattened due to the rain, while the other was taller, had silver hair. What can I say? So I took them home and put them by the fireplace, where it's pretty warm. Then almost immediately they woke up and started freaking out! I mean, haven't they seen such a nice house such as this before?
Then it turns out that they panicked cause they were walking and fell into a pothole. (They're pretty dangerous, you don't really see anything there but there's little holes in the ground which is hard to get out of. You should try falling in one) Okay, I sympathize with that. What then? They fell into this place which they don't know. The houses here don't look like it's from the poor district or the rich district. This place is the 13th districts, boys. It's not accessible by the public. How you got in? Why do you ask me? I guess that there's a magically weak area in the barrier that keeps the people out. In simplified terms, there's a barrier that prevents people from entering the 13th district. You guys by sheer coincidence managed to fall in the weakest spot at the correct moment so you got in.
The barrier is weak cause it's over a hundred years, you know!! The strength of spells sort of wears out over the years! It's natural! NO, you are NOT some kind of bad luck attractor!! Boy, stop crying and listen to me! And you, stop glaring at me. I'm just a kind-hearted stranger.
Sigh. Should have left them in the rain. What bothersome children. So, after the question and inquiry session, I find them some clothes for them to change into, leave them to sleep on the sofa by the fire, and I call the Organization. Report about two weird kids in my house. Requesting for permission for them to stay as temporary guests until this issue can be settled. So, I have to bring them to the court tomorrow? Yes, I got that. What?! Get them some decent clothes? You have to be kidding me!! Okay, okay, I got it, you don't have to scream. But the organisation better pay for it.
So, I take the kids out for a trip to the tailor the next morning, and there's this weird kid that jumped over the wall. A stunt actor? The people here like to do that sometimes. Then the shortie claims that that's his brother as several people clamber the wall after him. Fine, I'll go help him, boy. Just STOP SCREAMING IN MY EAR!
So it seems that the boy is also a outsider, and these minions want to eliminate him. Not surprising, since it's stated in the law that Trespassers must be eliminated. But hey! This is a special case, dudes!
Anyways, I went to stop the one attacking the boy, and the boy faints. What?! I was pretty shocked actually. Yep, I could see that the boy was in bad condition, his skin was pale, lips were dry, but still, woah! That scared me!
The people chasing him are just people from the smaller groups. That makes things a lot easier. As a proud member of the Organisation, I can just claim that the boy is in my care, and ta-da! Problem solved! They wouldn't dare to question the words of a member of the Organisation anyways. Sure, it's abusing my authority, but come on, who cares about that? It's also a way to solve the problem.
So, after I chase them off, I went back to the boy lying on the floor. I tried to wake him, but he wouldn't budge! Then, I accidentally touched his arm and it was burning hot! The little guy has a really high fever! I carried him to the tailor's shop for some emergency treatment. After all, I know the tailor well, and she wouldn't refuse someone in dire condition.
Yup, that's it. Now we just have to wait for the little guy to wake up. (and for the others to get some proper clothes) They're wearing my clothes that I grew out of, which....doesn't fit them too well.
Now, what is it? Riku, was it? What the!??! The name is not red hair stranger, the name's Axel! Got it memorised?
Author's notes: It was really fun writing this, especially the axel part. The "got it memorised" is really the game's axel. In the game, he seems to like this sentence a lot... I didn't play the game, but I saw some stuff on deviant art that shows his fondness for this sentence. It's reallly fuun!!! Riku got a bad attitude towards Axel. He's suspicious. A good thing too since Sora is too trusting of strangers. But not for Axel. He's having a bad day. Roxas: Nothing goes right for him these days... T-T Poor thing
. I suppose its pretty amusing. I was sort of snickering when I wrote this. (Good children should not practise this. People will think you're scary and insane.) It's a long chapter, right? Actually, I didn't really intend for axel to go talk about the whole thing, but once I started, I couldn't stop. (I just had to write on how he saw two kids falling from the sky! o-0) Don't worry, if axel's ranting isn't good enough, next week we have Sora's viewpoint and maybe some of Riku's viewpoint? I'll relate the whole situation again. For now, adios! Sayonna!